Don’t believe us?
Maybe you believe that for creating, you need to be creative. Or that you need more time. Or even that you need a host full of art supplies.
Don’t worry, for Le Voyage, you won’t need any of these. Because you create every. single. day.
You create better health. Maybe because you lie in for an hour to get some more sleep. Or because you make yourself that salad that you like so much. Or because you go for a walk.
You create good relationships. A thriving community, because of the time you took to listen to a dear friend. Or because you made a meal for everybody to come together to.
You create amazing business, whether it is as an employed person or as an entrepreneur. You create it by that smile you give, the helping hand you lend people. Or by simply being you when you show up.
So… we hope we have convinced you that you do create every single day.
And sometimes, those creations are not as positive as the ones we listed. Most of the time, this happens unconsciously. After all, we create more or less 24/7.
We create many great things… and we also create their counterparts.
If you wanna create more of the good stuff, more of the magic, more of the amazing things that you wanna see in your life, then LE VOYAGE is right for you.
Because here, women like you come together to support each other lovingly… aaaand sometimes with a smiling kick in the butt… to create the stuff they wanna see in their lives.
From the thriving business to the thriving relationships with others and with themselves and their bodies to health, to love, to feeling whole again…
… whatever it is that you wanna create in your life, whatever you wanna take a baby step towards every single day for three months, we are here for you!
And we look forward to having you on board for this journey <3
If your heart is bubbling with joy when you think about all the great things you could create if only…
FXCK YEAH! Community got you covered!

A true ‘pandemic baby’, this community was founded in the spring of 2020 as a virtual meetup space by three amazing (and starved-for-connection-and-community) women:
🎧 Maren – Leadership Coach & Zen Mistress aka Permission on Legs
👓 Karolina – Energy Mentor & Guardian Witch aka our very own BS detector
🥛 Dina – Emotion Researcher & Care Bear with a wicked sense of humor
Nowadays, we are lovingly referring to ourselves as ‘The Trinity’ and have decided to grow ‘Omma’ (German for Granny) together.
And any lingering preconceptions about what it needs to truly meet people and build deep connections were turned upside down by the space we created. We walk our talk, providing a space for women to nourish other women – and we always circle back to our signature question: ‘What do you need right now?’.
Cause here’s what we know: Nourishing women is nourishing the world!
That’s why we’re bringing LE VOYAGE to you, so you get to
REthink creation
REprogram your system
REclaim your creativity
REintroduce pleasure
And most importantly: To put the joy back into creating!
Still not sure whether this is for you?
Then let’s hand it over to those who know from first-hand experience!
Here’s how life changed for previous members who took this journey:
What I loved was the […] connection and checking in with each other. […] Getting to see other people’s progress encouraged me and made me think of how I could apply that to my own life. Idk I think it was close to perfect and I can’t think of anything else that would have made it better! – Lauren
It gave me permission to dive into the deep journey I needed to manifest bigger things for my business. I learned that BIG SHIT happens when women come together, support one another, and are allowed the space to dream. It brought about the biggest goal of my life, which is to move abroad to begin working remotely in other parts of the world. […] I kept associating the word “create” with art, like painting or drawing, but once I discovered that it was a space for me to dive deep into whatever I wanted to manifest, everything really fell into place. – Emily
What I have learned […] is for me to be able to ‘’receive’’ something highly weird happening to me. […] I was able to locate a space within me, which is my deeper identity (or no identity as it can be anything). By this realisation, I was able to stop seeking ‘approval’ from my boyfriend, colleagues and others, so as for me to stop ‘outsourcing’ my pleasure and happiness to others. – Ihna
Le Voyage – A three month group coaching experience to put the joy back into creating
starting July 19, 2021
7pm CEST | 1pm EDT
on Zoom
Here’s what you can expect from this experience
First 1h group coaching call on Zoom will be dedicated to setting up a safe container, briefing on housekeeping, grounding meditation and retrieving your theme (aka intention) for the next 3 months.
After that, we’ll meet every 10 days for 1h group coaching calls on Zoom to share and go deep.
The Trinity invites you to a grounding meditation, everyone will have time to share about their process.
Depending on group size, we’ll offer smaller breakout rooms to make everyone feel comfortable and cozy.
You’ll receive support, resources and coaching by the Trinity and other group members. We’ll send you off with a short closing to go and create alllll the magic in your life!
In between calls, we’ll have daily checkins in our members-only Discord group where you can share your ‘créations du jour’, brag, vent, ask for support or celebrate the shit out of yourself and each other.
You’ll also have the opportunity to meet with other LE VOYAGE members via audio or video call all day, every day – for the duration of the program.
Our last 1h Zoom meeting will be dedicated to wrapping up, integrating and CELEBRATING ALL OF YOU!
Sign me up for LE VOYAGE!
pay in full: 1 x EUR 630 EUR 315
Payment Plan: 3 monthly installments of EUR 270 EUR 135 each