
Join a space in which women nourish women.

Imagine that you are welcomed into a circle of women just as flawed and wonderful as you. Imagine the feeling that you are invited, wanted right here, right now – just as you are.
And that the only thing that matters in this moment is: „What do you need right now?“

Sounds like it’s exactly what you need?
Come to our (free) NOURISHVENT.


every 3 weeks on Wednesday
one hour, on Zoom
7pm Berlin time | 1pm Eastern time

Come as you are, let your hair down, connect & get nourished.

Wanna get invited to the next one? Sign up here!

What exactly happens during a NourishVent?

The NourishVent gathers us around our guiding question:

What do I need right now?

You can come as you are, ask for what you truly want to receive – and leave feeling nourished and connected. It’s free – and women only.

The NourishVent begins with a short opening circle, followed by you getting to share in small groups of up to three women in separate breakout rooms.

Afterwards, we gather again in the big group to have a short check-in and wrapping up.

If you need some big oomph for stuff going on in your life, you’ll have the chance to ask everyone in the group to send their good juju to you before we leave!

We know that you bring enough that you want to share – or just fxcking drop – without an additional agenda.

How you share in the small groups is up to you:

Need to vent? Go for it!

Want to celebrate yourself? Light up those fireworks!

Need some nourishing? Ask for it!

Just want to be there and listen / witness? Be our guest!

After all, these are NourishVents, and they are for YOU.

Come as you are, let your hair down, connect & get nourished.